Tahukah Anda bahwa ternyata ibadah wudhu bukan hanya mampu meleburkan dosa-dosa, tetapi juga sangat ampuh menangkal stroke?
Resurrection Judgement and The Hereafter: Explains the existence of life after death and the reality of resurrection with convicing and scientific evidences and by giving many simple examples. The …
God and His Attributes: Explains the monotheistic view of Islam in twenty-one lessons with brilliant clarity. Drawing heavily on the Traditions of the Prophet as well as extensive quotes form the Q…
Eggi Sudjana adalah salah seorang aktivis pergerakan Islam terkenal yang tercatat dalam sejarah oleh karena perlawanannya terhadap regim politik hegemonik Orde Baru di era 80-an. Dengan keteguhan h…
the Seal of the Prophet and His Message: Explains the Islamic view of Prophet hood and the particular role played by the Prophet of Islamic as the Seal of Prophet. It also includes a summary accoun…